Thursday, January 17, 2013

5 Months

Fashion: Hattie is firmly in 6 month clothing territory. She has some long little legs. Random opinion: I don't get why anything buy onesies and bodysuits are sold for babies. I have so many shirts for Hattie but she just lifts the bottom of them up and sticks them into her mouth so we don't use them.

Health: She weighs 17 lbs, 1 oz.  Healthy there. But has another double ear infection. :(   One more and it's tubes time. Sigh.  She has one tooth that has popped out so far. She doesn't love the teething phase of life. She chews on things and then cries because it hurts.... Oops! I almost posted this without mentioning the worst part of this month. The ER visit. Long story short... Hattie had croup. Scary stuff. Her breathing was labored and her cough sounded like a seal. It took 15 years off of me, I swear. I don't ever want to think of it again honestly.

Zzzzz: Randomly sleeps through the night, but more often gets up at 2 and wants to eat. Since she only eats part of her last bottle most nights and goes to bed at 7ish, I don't want to deny her food so I feed her. Then she gets up right when I'm done with my shower in the morning. Like clockwork. I haven't been able to put my makeup on at home for a couple of weeks now. I'm scaring the natives when I go outside. ;p

Nicknames this month - Baby Bear, Buzzy Bee

Fitness: She's strong, this one. She loves to stand assisted and is able to sit up on her own for minutes at a time now. She still topples backwards soon after, but she's getting good at it. She is sooo eager to crawl, but can't figure out the logistics yet. She sort of crawls backwards and sideways though. And she loves to plank.

Eats: She's still at around 30 oz per day and still leaves 3 oz in random bottles for no reason. We have started her on solids. She loves carrots and loves eating from a spoon. It's like she's been doing it all her life. No big thing. :)

The Spoken Word: She talks a lot still. I hear random 'words' like ma and ba but nothing more. Everything else is supercute babble. She was blowing raspberries and screeching happy screeches a lot but stopped when she got sick. I wish those would come back into the mix.

Things Hattie Loves:  Chewing her thumb, her Violet dog, her IKEA stacking cups from Karin, snuggling her head into Daddy's chest, smiling (smiling's her favorite!).

Things Hattie Hates: Being hungry and not having a bottle in her mouth that very second, when anyone wipes her nose (after having a cold since October, I don't blame her).

Pics from the past month:

(This one makes me laugh. It really doesn't look like her that much, but is so cute.)
