Health: She weighs 17 lbs, 3 oz. She has been pretty healthy! Not much congestion at all. The junky cough remains, but it's not too bad. She got all good marks at her 6 month well visit. :) She's 51st percentile for height, 70th for weight, 81st for head circumference. Lots of smart brains in there! Our focus health-wise right now is teething. She has two that have popped through the gums on the bottom and I think more are on their way. It seems to bother her a lot so I've been giving her Hyland's teething tablets and Motrin to help. She hasn't been drinking her whole bottle many times and I think it's due to teething pain. Poor little thing.
Zzzzz: She's off and on here. She's going through so many developmental spurts that she's often up at night crawling around in her crib or talking or crying from teething pain. It has led to sleepy days a few times, but she still comes through and sleeps through the night here and there so we can catch up on our zzzs.
Nicknames this month - Hattie Bear, Boo, Boo Boo Bear (Not sure what's up with all of the Bear nicknames)
Fitness: She's able to army crawl and now sit up on her own from her stomach or after doing the army crawl somewhere. She's obsessed with moving. She also wants us to hold her and bounce her up and down a lot. And she wants to stand up a LOT. She's also now verrrry close to pulling herself up to standing while in the crib. Oh boy. We'll be lowering the crib mattress and putting up some gates this weekend.
Eats: She's still at around 30 oz per day and still leaves 3 oz in random bottles for no reason. She eats jarred baby food at TenderCare now. She LOVES it. Her faves are peas and green beans for sure. She doesn't seem to care for fruit. I tried twice to give her mashed up banana on the high chair tray and she wanted nothing to do with it.
The Spoken Word: She 'talks' a lot still. No real words - although Mike, Hattie's teacher, and I SWEAR she has said "Hi." several times. I wish she'd get going on short words like ba and da and ma again.
Things Hattie Loves: Still the stacking cups, the 'On the Move' Baby Einstein DVD, sleeping on her stomach (although I don't like that one), sleeping in general, her TenderCare teachers.
Things Hattie Doesn't Love: Having her face wiped, shots (who doesn't), teething.
Pics from the past month:
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