I wonder if the previous owners of the house ever cleaned or fixed anything. I feel like they ran the house close to the ground and then jumped off. We LOVE the house. Never think that we don't. No bad words will be spoken against the house of our dreams ever. We are in love, love, love. The previous owners though... Ugh.
The inspectors had no reason to open all of the closets and look behind paintings, etc. So when we moved in and tried to open closets and finally saw all of the walls, surprise! Half of the closet doors are broken and won't close. The owners nailed everything within eyesight to the walls and then didn't remove any of the nails when they left. If I fell backwards in the house anywhere, I'll pierce my melon on a nail head.
We are currently dealing with two doozies.
1) They must have let every single hair on their heads run down the drain in the upstairs shower. I'm pretty sure they washed the dog up there, too. It is totally clogged and smells like armpit. We tried drain opener, but no luck. We have to move on to the snake now. Scared of discovery once we do. *shudder*
2) The dryer vent. Here is part of it now...
They must have never cleaned the dryer vent tube or the lint trap. Let those suckers just clog up with lint. The dryer vent tube goes in the drywall, into the garage, and outside through that wall. It is understandably a tough, icky job to get it cleaned out or do it yourself somehow, but ignoring the icky job just causes things like, oh, I don't know... dryer fires. We are pretty sure that tube is totally full of lint. At least the section that we saw when Mike sawed through the drywall is clogged.
Well, looky here...
I just wanna do laundry, people!
I finally got the dryer delivered (love, love, love!)...
and now can't use it until we fix their mess. We did buy an inside vent kit so we can vent in to the basement if we have to, but that will lead to us opening Sauna Petruska down there after a while due to the resultant moisture. We'll get it figured out, but when we someday build our dream house in the country and move out, we'll be making sure the buyers aren't shaking their fists in our general direction and cursing us. Karma... I'm a believer.