Thursday, April 19, 2012

6 months, y'all!

How far along? 24 weeks, 5 days .

Total weight gain: I've gained a total of 4 pounds so far. Not bad! Thanks, 'beetus diet! (even though I only barely like you)

Appointments: Had two appointments on the 16th. One with Maternalfetal Medicine and one with the regular OB. The MFM appointment went well. My 'beetus numbers are still great and being controlled by diet (no insulin), although my fasting numbers are creeping up there. I may have to take an insulin pill at night eventually to control that number. We'll see. We also scheduled the first growth u/s for May 9th. I'm excited to see the little one and how she's grown since 18 weeks!!   The OB appointment was good. I'm measuring a week ahead, but that's no big deal. But I feel it. Oof is my bump a BUMP.

How big is baby and what's new with her?
  • She's now gaining around 3 ounces (90 grams) a week.
  • Right now, she weighs about 1.3 pounds and is 12 inches long.
  • The eyelids can be seen very clearly.
  • If born at this stage is officially considered viable, they may well be able to survive. (YAAAY! What an awesome milestone to hit.)
Baby's weight is in muscle, bone mass and organs. The body begins to fill out with its appearance increasingly becoming more like that of a newborn. Taste buds begin to form. If mom drinks something strange or bitter, baby may be observed showing his or her distaste.

Little creases have appeared on her palms. The muscular coordination of the hands has improved as she sucks her thumb. Over the next week or so, the sweat glands will be forming in the skin. 
Clothing?  Many things are on 'repeat' in my wardrobe. I hate to buy more maternity clothes than I already have since it'll be getting warmer sooner than later and I can then wear some of the warm weather things that have been loaned to me. Tube top time!!!   ... jk ;)

Sleep? Toss, turn, toss, turn, pee, toss turn, toss, turn, pee, toss, turn, pee....

Food Aversions? None. :)  

Symptoms? RLP is pretty oucharific this week. Back is hurting. Stomach skin is stretching. Aside from that, not much going on symptom-wise.



  1. So is your hair always that thick, gorgeous and controllable?? Or is it magic pregnancy hair??

    1. Haha! It is growing like a weed since I've been knocked up! It takes me 3 days to dry it!
