How far along? 25 weeks, 5 days .
Total weight gain: Holding steady, I think. My bump feels bigger though so maybe up a lb or two from that. Honestly, I don't weigh myself at home. I just wait for the OB to do so at appointments. I would weigh myself if I were worried about gaining too much, but da beetus is keeping me at an ok weight.
Appointments: No appointments until May 9th - when we have the first growth u/s and another OB appointment.
How big is baby and what's new with her?
She weighs about a pound and a half and is about 13½ inches long—roughly the length of one of those recorders we all played in elementary school music class.
Total weight gain: Holding steady, I think. My bump feels bigger though so maybe up a lb or two from that. Honestly, I don't weigh myself at home. I just wait for the OB to do so at appointments. I would weigh myself if I were worried about gaining too much, but da beetus is keeping me at an ok weight.
Appointments: No appointments until May 9th - when we have the first growth u/s and another OB appointment.
How big is baby and what's new with her?
She weighs about a pound and a half and is about 13½ inches long—roughly the length of one of those recorders we all played in elementary school music class.
We've hit V week - the week at which the baby now has a good chance of survival if she were born now. That's not gonna happen of course. She still needs the remaining weeks to get all done and ready for prime time!
Her little hands are now fully developed, although some of the nerve
connections to the hands have a long way to go. Dexterity is improving. She can make a fist. Exploring
the structures inside my ute has become her prime
entertainment. Fascinated by the amount of tactile stimulation a fetus
gives itself; she touches a hand to the face, one hand to the other hand,
clasps her feet, touches her foot to her leg, her hand to the umbilical
cord. (I swear I can feel all of these things happening. Girl is BUSY.)
Blood vessels of the lungs develop. Her nostrils begin to open. The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. Their swallowing reflexes are developing. She can hear sounds outside the womb and the brain cells are starting to mature also. (She seems to love listening to music. And Grandma already gave us the Sleep Sheep and she kicks like crazy when I play it and put it up against my bump.)
Blood vessels of the lungs develop. Her nostrils begin to open. The nerves around the mouth and lip area are showing more sensitivity now. Their swallowing reflexes are developing. She can hear sounds outside the womb and the brain cells are starting to mature also. (She seems to love listening to music. And Grandma already gave us the Sleep Sheep and she kicks like crazy when I play it and put it up against my bump.)
Still cool weather. Yay! Getting by with what I've got.
Sleep? Toss, turn, toss, turn, pee, toss turn, toss, turn, pee, toss, turn, pee.... (Same as last update)
Food Aversions? None. :)
Symptoms? Back is killing me. I have to try to do yoga again. I gave it up after the first couple of months, but I really should do it to strengthen my back. I do feel really tired a lot now. My eyes feel red and tired often. Nausea pops up here and there in the afternoon. SO not happy to see that return. It usually goes away if I eat some protein though. Still enjoying this time SO much compared to the 1st tri. Annie, Johnna, C, etc.... you were all SO right. It got better. :) I thought you were all just lucky jerkfaces when you said that. So happy I was wrong. ;p
Pictures: A bit blurry. Sort of like how I feel today.
Sleep? Toss, turn, toss, turn, pee, toss turn, toss, turn, pee, toss, turn, pee.... (Same as last update)
Food Aversions? None. :)
Symptoms? Back is killing me. I have to try to do yoga again. I gave it up after the first couple of months, but I really should do it to strengthen my back. I do feel really tired a lot now. My eyes feel red and tired often. Nausea pops up here and there in the afternoon. SO not happy to see that return. It usually goes away if I eat some protein though. Still enjoying this time SO much compared to the 1st tri. Annie, Johnna, C, etc.... you were all SO right. It got better. :) I thought you were all just lucky jerkfaces when you said that. So happy I was wrong. ;p
Pictures: A bit blurry. Sort of like how I feel today.
Don't you love how the bump makes your legs look so skinny?! (not that they aren't skinny-- you know what I mean!)