Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Me + 1

Oh.. hi there! I've been gone from the blogging world for a while. I have a good excuse though. I was busy getting to where I am now... 13 weeks, and 3 days pregnant! :)   The road to this point was hard. I don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable sharing everything that we went through, but it was an over 2 year process complete with many, many specialist appointments, four failed medical/fertility procedures, injections, pills, herbs, thousands of acupuncture needles, LOTS of (oh so many) $$s, and more emotional hills and valleys that I care to remember.  But it was all totally, 100% worth it. Mike and I are so happy that we will be creating a little family together. It's going to be a wonderful, fun, comical, crazy change in our lives that we can't wait to experience. It took both of us a while to get here, but I wouldn't want to be at this point with anyone else so the wait was worth it. 
My good friend Candice blogged about her pregnancy and used a format that I found to be fun and informative. So I'm stealing it! Thanks, C. :)
I'm starting a little late because the first 12 weeks were tough. I'm still having trouble with nausea, but at least now I feel well enough often enough to want to share the details.

How far along? 13 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain:  Hard to say. Nobody weighed me at my first ob appointment and according to my own knowledge, I lost weight during the first several weeks. I think I've gained a bit back so I'm going to guess that I'm about 3 lbs less than when I got pregnant.

Appointments: We've had many appointments so far since we worked with a reproductive clinic and they spoil you with appointments and ultrasounds. We just had our first trimester screening sonogram and saw the baby then. It was pretty wonderful. The next appointment is a regular appointment with my ob on February 16th. We will find out the gender sometime in early March (aah!).

How big is baby? The bambino is now the length of a (small) peach, 2.9 inches long and .81oz.  They are forming teeth and vocal cords.  Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy.

Clothing?  I'm struggling with clothes right now because the maternity jeans I bought early on (9 weeks-ish) are too big still. They fall down when I walk because they are full panel and my bump isn't big enough to hold them up. I did buy a new pair last weekend, but I can't wear them every day. Being pregnant but not showing much is a confusing place to be maternity clothes wise. I also bought a pair of maternity khakis. Regular shirts still work for me.

Sleep?  I get up twice each night to pee. I also wake up every single night at 3:30 AM for no apparent reason. Sleeping on my stomach is not very comfortable now. I feel sort of queasy when I do. I miss it so.

Food Aversions? Many. This has been a very tough thing for me to work around. I definitely can't eat chicken (one exception - hot wings). I can't eat dry foods very easily. They all taste like sawdust. It's easier to say what I can eat... fruits, ice cream/sorbets, and Subway's Big Philly Cheesesteak.

Symptoms?  Thought the m/s (morning - HA!!) was getting better, but that was wishful thinking. I usually feel very queasy after my morning shower until around 9 AM, then at around 4:15 PM until 7 PM, I feel very nauseous. That stinks because it's dinner time and dinner is (was) my favorite meal. I'm also exhausted most days. I've basically been a hermit because of the nausea and moodiness. I only feel right making Mike put up with me right now. (Poor Mike) So sorry to all of my friends! I miss you, but I'd fit in the 'Poor Company' category still. Unless you want to come over and feel me sorbet and brush my hair. Then I'd be super happy.

Picture! (Taken by myself in the work restroom. Please forgive the poor quality.) I pulled my shirt back so you can see the bump. It's riding high, I think. :)


  1. Totally stalking this! Love it :-)

  2. You look adorable! Happy you are blogging again! Im your newest follower... <3 xo

  3. So happy for you! Congratulations!!
