Wednesday, May 2, 2012

26 weeks - Headed towards the third trimester!

How far along? 26 weeks, 4 days.

Total weight gain: I weighed myself on my scale the other morning and I think I may be up a total of 8 pounds now. I'll get confirmation next week at the OB office.

Appointments: May 9th, we have our first growth u/s at Maternalfetal Medicine to ensure that baby girl isn't getting too big due to da 'beetus. I can not WAIT to see her! I'm so curious about how she's positioned and hopefully we can see her kick when we get the u/s because I want to see that. She is such a kicker!  That same morning, I have a regular OB appointment.

How big is baby and what's new with her?
  • She measures 14 inches long and weighs over 1.7 pounds.
  • The feet are 2 inches (5cm) long. Hands are very active. (Yeah they are!)
  • The baby's eyes begin to open around this time. Not much to see, though.
The fetal brain scan will show response to touch. Touching and playing with the baby is possible now, as they may respond to touch through the belly wall.  (I was just doing this with her. She definitely kicked my hand when I rubbed it in certain spots on the bump!)
Clothing?  Oh boy... weather's getting hot and I need clothes for it. I may be in trouble soon.

Sleep? Arms fall asleep from sleeping on them. Hips hurt when I sleep and wake me up. Peeing maybe 2-3 times each night. Still miss sleeping on my stomach so so so so soooo much.

Symptoms? Not really a symptom, but a 'what's going on'... She is kicking me and punching me and rolling around and doing the Cabbage Patch and Centipede in there. It's awesome. I love every single second of it. She's still not kicking when people put their hands on my belly though. She is being a bit more reserved in that regard. Mike did get to feel one thump though. :)           As for the not so fun symptoms, m/s has returned between the hours of 3 - 5 pm daily. :/   So not right. But I had a nice couple month reprieve from it so it's ok, I guess. My back and hips hurt a lot. I'm also having Braxton Hicks maybe once or twice each day.


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